About Dear Mx , The Founders, The Mission, The Vision and CEO

Our Founders

DearMx.com was co-founded by three visionary innovative, creative and technical individuals, all from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences to our mission:

Alex Rogerson | CEO 

An openly queer/gay British national based in the Netherlands, Alex's extensive experience with global fashion/product brands and personal journey drives our commitment to inclusivity.

Co-Founder Nicky | With a background in technology and a passion for innovation, our second co-founder brings valuable insights to our digital approach, innovation, how data change be used correctly, whilst keeping the focus on consumers and what they. 

Co-Founder Ash | Our third co-founder's expertise in sustainable fashion, marketing, creative innovation through technology and commitment to ethical practices helps shape our responsible business model.

Together, these three individuals from different parts of the world, representing various ethnicities and identities, have united to create a platform that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusive fashion for all.

Our Mission

Despite our different personal journeys, we have all experienced similar feelings and challenges—imposter syndrome, not feeling good enough, and the lack of a safe space to express our authentic selves. These shared emotions inspired us to create DearMx, a platform dedicated to driving real change in the fashion industry.

DearMx Vision Statement:

At DearMx.com, we envision a fashion industry that truly listens, understands, and caters to all consumers, regardless of gender, size, or identity. We're creating a revolutionary platform where inclusivity isn't just a buzzword, but the very foundation of our business. Our mission is to provide a safe space where everyone can explore, express, and celebrate their authentic selves through fashion.

Why This Matters:

The fashion industry has long ignored the diverse needs of consumers, focusing primarily on profit at the expense of inclusivity. Our research shows that over 70% of consumers already shop outside the gender binary, yet many brands have failed to adapt. This oversight has left countless individuals feeling underrepresented and underserved. At DearMx, we recognize that fashion is more than just clothing – it's a powerful form of self-expression and identity. By addressing these unmet needs, we're not just filling a market gap; we're empowering individuals to embrace their true selves and fostering a more inclusive society.

How We'll Achieve This: CEO Vision - 2024 Onwards: 

We're building DearMx on a foundation of collaboration, respect, and mutual success. Unlike traditional business models that prioritize profit above all else, we believe in creating an ecosystem where everyone wins – our company, our talent, our communities, and especially our consumers.

1. Inclusive Product Range: We're committed to offering fashion that truly fits, both physically and emotionally, addressing the sizing challenges that have long plagued the industry. We promise as we grow, so will our product range. We staring out out, and unfortunately i wished i could do it all, (trust me, the ADHD is real right now, as i write this). We will do this inline with what you feel comfortable share with us, the asks and the simple needs of you. (more to come on this in coming weeks).

2. Community Engagement: We'll actively listen to and involve our community in our decision-making processes, ensuring we're always aligned with their needs and values.

3. Ethical Partnerships: We're open to collaborating with any brands that demonstrate an authentic commitment to driving change, not just chasing market share.

4. Transparency and Accountability: We'll be open about our journey, sharing our successes and learning from our mistakes, always striving to do better. For sure, we will also get some things wrong, but we want to make sure we create the space for you, our consumers to share this with us with mutual respect. Shared content and  dialogue is the key to winning together and success. 

5. Education and Awareness: We'll work to challenge unconscious biases and promote understanding and respect for all identities. We all have unconscious bias, (yes even, even me as a "expert" of 15 years in inclusive business strategy). A "Perfect" singular situation, person, etc , does not exist. I realised a while ago, what true perfection means for me, it is all those imperfect moments, all the experiences, (good and bad), the things i got wrong, but gain the biggest learnings from, and reflections to allow me to continue to still learn, grow and be me,  now that's what experiencing true perfection really is for me. Perfection is not just a singular thing/item,  it's a process, a feeling, an experience, it's for you. 

By staying true to these principles, we aim to create not just a successful business, but a movement that transforms the fashion industry into a more inclusive, diverse, and empowering space for all. At DearMx, we're not just selling clothes – we're championing a world where everyone feels seen, valued, and free to be their authentic selves.

If you want to reach out personally to ask questions, understand more i encourage you to reach out to the team at here@DearMx.com.

FYI - (it is highly likely, it will also be myself who responds to your messages). 

Thanks for reading,  

Alex Rogerson 

CEO | Partner | DearMx.com | @DearMxFashion 

 *If your interested to learn more how to get involved and support, simply start by. following us on our social media channels which are found on this page*
